Sunday 1 June 2014

Yay, They have ARRIVED!!!!

All three parcels have arrived in drips and drabs but the last was yesterday, the all important books. I have decided to the Jason Vale 7lbs in 7days first just because I'm new to all of this and so far I'm half way through the book. However, I just wish I knew at the start I would need additional items like Spirulina, Wheatgrass Power ( I already have), a bottle of Power Greens and a bottle of Probiotic tabs (which I also have from doing something previously). Jason Vale does offer a Super Juice Pack on his website but I have decided I'm going to head to Holland & Barrett as they have a sale on at the moment for the all important Spirulina and I'm going to top up on my probiotic tabs as I'm running low. He also recommends using Sigg Flasks for keeping your juice in and I happen to also have two of those at home. I think if you buy anything with a brand on the bottle your going to be paying a premuim for the name and at this point that is something I cannot afford. His juice pack is aroung £65 which considering I have just bought two juicers and two books would make this a very expensive hobby.

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