Monday 9 June 2014

DAY 1: 7lbs in 7 Days

7.30am Lemon favourite!!!

I already drink lemon tea and just love it.

8.30am JM's Super goes!

It looks and smells disgusting but actually tastes really nice. Note to self should have made a double batch as I have to drink it again at 11am but also must make other juices for 2pm whilst i'm at work.

Note to self part two: Remember to peel the lime BEFORE I chop it in half

Spirulina smells disgusting and even though it says to blend with ice, my blender doesn't like ice. So instead I have poured the whole of it over ice cubes instead.


11.30am JM'S Super Juice .....Part two

Tasted the same only I was a it more prepared for this one and still as nice

2.30pm Super Chute Juice

I think I made a boobwith this one by adding tooo much ginger, I'm not actually a lover of it and it can actually make me feel sick (yes I know the opposite of what's it's supposed to do!). I also had no alfahla sprouts but if you go on the Jason Vale website it does suggest using extra spinich. Yeah and I also forgot to add the mixed handful of leafygreens which resulted on me adding yet a 3rd apple just so they would go down the chute.

Taste I have to say was not my favourite and the colour is a dark orangey red.

6pm Turbo Express

This meal is supposed to be taken at 5pm but a stupid ditzy woman at work messed me around so much I was late on finishing and therefore late on drinking. I like this drink alot and prefer it to the previous.

9pm Lemon Ginger Zinger

This drink is supposed to be taken at 8pm but as I'm the only one in the house not eating solids, I had to go and soak in a fruity smelling bath just to drown out the smell of the muscles in a white wine sauce my other half was cooking. I hate musles but last night I could have gladly eaten the lot, not because I was hungry but because the aroma made me feel hungry. Food is very psychological, smelling food makes you feel hungry when actually your not!!

Update: 10.57am

Just made another batch of the JM Super Juice ready for 11.20am and a batch of the Super Chute Juice. The only problem with the latter is that I forgot to add the large handful of mixed greens (STUPID ME!!). So I had to cut up another Gala Apple, which made it 3 in total and not two. This was so that they could stick behind the handful of greens and push them down the chute with the help of the plunger do dar. Hope it tastes ok. Both are now sat in the respected container in my fridge ready and waiting for consumption. Having to get this to fit round my job as a courier is going to be tricky but at least I will eventually get myself into a routine.

Now as I have a sweet hunger pang, going to drink some mint tea. This I have found in the past just curbs that wanting of something sweet. Shall give an update on the juices later as I have work routes to plan and eventaully parcels to recipt and deliver.

Your also supposed to do 30 mins exercise in the morning and at night but my job in it's self is a form of exercise as I just don't stop for 6 hrs and I lift numerous weighted parcels that builds up a sweat. Shall be doing exercise though in the evening for an hour of walking.

Update :07.56am

I was tired yesterday but I put this down to my other haf coming in at 3am in the morning and thus woke me up and also again he woke me at 6am....was not a happy bunny

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