Yesterday I felt brilliant till I had that first juice and for those that hate TOO MUCH INFO, look away NOW!!! I suddenly had a burst of diarrhea and didn't make it to the loo on time....YUCK!! That then made me feel sick for the rest of the day and I did question as to why I was putting myself through this? Why was I practically starving myself? Why was I sucking up juices that had now started to taste the same?................and why don't I just quit!
I didn't quit but by bedtime I had had enough!!
I feel more awake and about to do my first juice of the day even if it's a bit late. It's weird but if you remotely late, your tummy starts to rumble.
I do question though the lack of variety in the juices, as I had a look at my book 'Reboot with Joe Cross' last night and his juice recipies are far more varied and if there are two portions a day, he doesn't put them back to back.
Your supposed to detox 4 x a year, so next time I might consider his version.
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