Tuesday 17 June 2014


This morning I have been very productive and woke at the early hour of 6am, without my alarm. Had my hot lemon tea as usual then got down to business of writing all the recipies that I'm using at the moment and the previous 7lbs in 7 days and adding them to an A5 folder. Just to make it easier when making up juices and having no fear of spoiling my book.

My alarm went off at 7am and my partnet got up for work, did some minor household chores and made him his breakfast before heading knee deep into our shet to find my Pro Bounce Rebounder. I got this for free off Telford Freegle a few years ago and it's now proving it's worth. Said 'bye' to my partner Sam as he went off to work and decided to bounce/jog for 30 mins. I actually did the couch to 5k part one on the rebounder as I have found I keep getting repeated knee injuries when I actually try to run normally.

Had a shower, had the Turbo Charge Smoothie which I might add is rather yummy and got my stuff ready for work. I couldn't even finish the smoothie and had to fill up sigg's as well as make extra to take to work. It really fills you up and know by the time I have one again for lunch , that will be me all filled up ready for dinner. For dinner I intend to have the soup batch which I made yesterday and will continue till it runs out.

What are your Turbo Highs?

What are your Turbo lows?

How did you get on with the Turbo exercise and how long did you do?

8am - Rebounder exercise 30 mins
2pm - Courier Work


How do you feel?

Happier that I have gone back to juices for Breakfast and Lunch

How would you rate your energy overall (marks out of 10)?


Monday 16 June 2014

DAY 8 of Combined Plan - TURBO CHARGE - Day 1

So just about to make breakfast juice and maybe make the soup and a juice and decide which one I want later.

My day has gone upside down and so I didn't have breakfast, so I made the Super Power Veggie soup which has 4 portions in all. Had to adapt it a lil so swapped 1 onion for 1 leek, put 100g of spinach instead of 85g as I was missing another veg but OMG it was lush.

The only thing is I have no room for the whole 1 portion, I have only managed to eat half plus I put a huge dollop of pesto in the middle of it and also I added mixed herbs as well as the requested pepper. Very very filling and really lovely even if it's a hot day. FEELING STUFFED!!

What are your Turbo Highs?


What are your Turbo lows?

Making the mistake to eat a soup for lunch because it made me feel very uncomfy and bloated. My poor stomach must be the size of a bean as the 1 serving I had, I could only manage half and that was pushing it. Also felt incredibly ill after dinner too as that topped me up on the loated front and just about killed me off!!

How did you get on with the Turbo exercise?

Just my courier job

How long did you do?


How do you feel?

Toooo full and bloated

How would you rate your energy overall (marks out of 10)?



NOW TO PHASE 2!!!! DAY 8 - Turbo Charge in 14 days!!!

So I have now moved one to book Turbo Charge your Life in 14 Days!

In the 7lbs in 7 days book it starts you on day 8 of this book but to be honest I will start back at the beginning.

Days 1 - 5


* Continue with Lemon Tea
* Spend a few mins visualising your goal - breath deeply
* Exersize - 45 - 60 mins
* Make Turbo Charge Smoothie


* Visualise goals
* Juice or Smoothie or fruit salad


* 45 - 60 mins excersize


Any of the following:

* Turbo Salad
* Green Veggie Power Soup
* Fish kebabs with Pineapple and Steamed veg
* Honey glased veg
* Steamed Chicked anf Veg
* Thyme for Tuna



* Do 10 mins visualization
* Do not eat anything else before bed (bed is 3 hrs after meal has finished) but drink plenty of water etc
* Go to bed


Wow I will not deny that it was hard for the first 3 days and I was about to give up but I didn't and well...........I have to say how very pleased I am!!! I'm going to add the stats below of both days so I can see if any if there is a change but I know for one I have already weighed mysel and in utter shock!!!

Day 1 will be in red
Day 8 will be in black
Any changes in green
Any that stay the same in red

WEIGHT: 14st 11lbs - 14st 0lbs - 11lbs lost :D

Neck: 15 inches - 14.5 - 0.5 inches lost

Arm: 13.5 inches - 13.0 - 0.5 inhes lost

Chest: 41.5 inches - 40.0 - 1.5 inches lost

Waist: 38.5 inches - 38.0 - 0.5 inches lost

Hips: 44.5 inches - 43.5 - 1.0 inches lost

Thigh: 23.5 inches - 23.0 - 0.5 inches lost

Calf: 16 inches - 16.0 - no inches lost

BMI: 30.5 - 28.5 - 2 bmi lost

BODY FAT: 40.5% - 39.4%  - just over 1 %

Sunday 15 June 2014

DAY 7: I'm a feeling goooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!!! :)

What were the juicy highlights today?

I took a photo to see if I have lost weight whislt wearing my underwear and i'm shocked!!! I look so much different that this time last week. Though I have yet to weigh myself as that is done tomorrow along with my stats. I really really hope I've actually lost some weight and body fat as that would be amazing........finger's crossed!!

What are your juicy lows?

Waking up late, well it my only day off work ans do all my juicing is out of sync

How did you get on with the juicy exercise?

So far not done any but considering doing a walk later

How long did you do?

How do you feel?

Lighter, happier (especially after seeing the pix)

How would you rate your energy overall (marks out of 10)?


Any other juicy comments?

I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo ready to start phase two and have some solid food. I start Turbo Charge your Life in 14 days tomorrow. So that would technically be day 8 but infact it's day one again of a different diet. More to follow.....................

Saturday 14 June 2014

DAY 6: Pure Green Super Juice of HELL!!!!!!

So, day 6 and nearly finished....................
One more day to go!!

Just having the Pure Green Super Juice and I have to say it's vile! It's like having hell with every mouthful but in the book they do warn you it's not for the faint hearted. This drink is supposed to be at 2pm but with the commitments of work (yes I work on a saturday!!) it's not possible to eat segments of orange after each mouthful, as by then I will be driving. The glorious sweet nectar of an orange really does save the day with this juice and in all fairness the first bit of solid food.


What were the juicy highlights today?

Not needing much sleep amd waking up at 6am on the dot when my alarm is set for 7? Also not long till the end!!

What are your juicy lows?

Pure Green Super Juice from Hell!!! Was utterly disgusting and made me have another slippage in the pooh department....YUCK!!

How did you get on with the juicy exercise?

Courier Work

How long did you do?

3hrs in temps over 25 degrees C

How do you feel?

Happier because I'm nearly finished

How would you rate your energy overall (marks out of 10)?


Any other juicy comments?

Not at the mo

Friday 13 June 2014

DAY 5: Oddly not craving stuff

Day 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't think I'd EVER see DAY 5!!!!!

Yesterday I felt more awake than the day before but not as awake as I am today, I even woke up at 6am WITHOUT my alarm....odd!

I'm not craving food, I even tried to tell my brain to eat chocolate yesterday and I was suprised that I just couldn't do it when normally I would have just given in. I still cannot drink the full range of juices in a day, so I usually miss the 8pm one and just have my hot lemon with water. I however don't use the recommended piece of Lemon with hot water over it but instead use Twinnings Lemon Zest Tea Bags.



  • - Rosehips
  • - White Hibiscus
  • - Natural Lemon Flavouring with other Natural Flavourings
  • - Apple Pieces
  • - Lemon Myrtle
  • - Lemon Peel

I also use a hint of live honey or you can use Manuka Honey, just to add a bit of taste. Though saying that this hint is getting smaller and smaller each day and no doubt I will be without in a few days.

I actually can say I think I'm loosing weight, I was lying on the bed and lifted my vest top up. For the first time in a looooooooooooooooong time I actually saw my ribcage, well the bottom bit of it anyhoo. I thought at first I was malformed and had a shock when I felt but I have to say, when I stand it still looks the same and to me not much change.............but we shall see on my weigh in on Monday Morning!

I have adapted the Super Chute Juice and removed the Kale and Celery as both were making me heave and instead added more spinach to cover. Just drinking it now and I'm having no issues.


What were the juicy highlights today?

I woke up at 6am!!!
I feel refreshed and have more energy than the day before
My shorts kept falling down.....ooops!

What are your juicy lows?

Backache around my right kidney though this wore off by evening

How did you get on with the juicy exercise?

Courier work only

How long did you do?

5hrs of non stop walking and lifting in the hottest part of the day. I was sweating like a pig from the heat and the work

How do you feel?

Happier, lighter and my energy is returning

How would you rate your energy overall (marks out of 10)?


Any other juicy comments?

Just swapped the juices around today due to convenience for work

Thursday 12 June 2014

Day 4: Hope I Feel Better Today

I have added an additional question to that of the book 'What are your juicy lows today?' as I don't feel they cover it all the things you can feel and are fed up of. So there is is..........ADDED!

Yesterday I felt brilliant till I had that first juice and for those that hate TOO MUCH INFO, look away NOW!!! I suddenly had a burst of diarrhea and didn't make it to the loo on time....YUCK!! That then made me feel sick for the rest of the day and I did question as to why I was putting myself through this? Why was I practically starving myself? Why was I sucking up juices that had now started to taste the same?................and why don't I just quit!

I didn't quit but by bedtime I had had enough!!

I feel more awake and about to do my first juice of the day even if it's a bit late. It's weird but if you remotely late, your tummy starts to rumble.

I do question though the lack of variety in the juices, as I had a look at my book 'Reboot with Joe Cross' last night and his juice recipies are far more varied and if there are two portions a day, he doesn't put them back to back.

Your supposed to detox 4 x a year, so next time I might consider his version.

What were the juicy highlights today?

I don't feel unwell, and I can actually stay awake for the whole day without the need for a sleep after work. Also, I can sit with people eating solid food and not crave it.

What are your juicy lows today?

I was a little tired to start with and due to my work schedule the latter meals at the end of the day were all an hour late but I got there in the end

How did you get on with the juicy exercise?

Courier work and dog walking

How long did you do?

4hrs Courier woek in 22 degree C temps and 1.5 hrs dog walking

How do you feel?

I feel a lot better than yesterday

How would you rate your energy overall (marks out of 10)?


Any other juicy comments?

Still think there should be more variety

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Detox Day 3: Smoothie Heaven!!

Getting excited over the fact I can have 200g yogurt 100% fat free and a chunk of banana....hahahaha.

Wow didn't realise how hard this is especially when I can smell real food all the time and was dreaming about cake last night but I have a goal to achieve and I'm going to stick to it!!!

I have re-arranged the juices around today because of work so I'm doing the following:

7am: Hot water and lemon
8am: Passion for Juice Master
11am: JM's Super Juice
2pm: Lemon Ginger Zinger
5pm: Turbo Express with wheatgrass
8pm: Sherbert Lemon
9pm: Hot water and Lemon

I'm adding two Passions instead of one just because I get to the point at 5pm where I think I'm going to pass out. It's horrible that I go sooooooooooo weak and frustrated.

What were the juicy highlights today?


What were your juicy low's today?

Diarrhea straight after drinking Pasion for Juice Master, was gutted as I really looked forward to live yogurt and a chunk of banana. Also felt sick for most of the day and completely zonked

How did you get on with the juicy exercise?

Did my courier work as well as power walk with the doggies

How long did you do?

1 hour power walk and 4 hrs courier work

How do you feel?

Tired, fed up, sick to death of juices, teeth feel awful, all juices are tasting the same now....unhappy and angry too. Feel's like hell on earth!!!

How would you rate your energy overall (marks out of 10)?


Any other juicy comments?

More variety needed in the juices, sometimes you don't want back to back juices and more flavours like red and yellow peppers, blueberries, raspberries, grapes....anything!!!

Day 2: Review

What were the juicy highlights today?

I was feeling somewhat lighter and I woke with more energy

How did you get on with the juicy exercise?

My job as a courier is quiet energetic as apart from the 30% driving, I'm walking non stop between 4 and 6 hrs a day lifting various weights. So no additional exercise for me today.

How long did you do?

See above

How do you feel?

Today by 5pm I was feeling very weak and had zero energy, I had to have a sleep when I got home just to re-charge my batteries.

How would you rate your energy overall (marks out of 10)?

Morning was a 9/10
After work about 5pm -10

Any other juicy comments?

I don't get on with the Chute Juice, there is something in it that is making me heave and feel sick. I have decided from today on that no more chute juice for me and will swap it for another.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

DAY 2: Feeling oddly lighter

Todays juice's are the same as yesterday with the removal of ginger zinger and an extra turbo charge. I'm oddly feeling more awake and lighter if that is at all possible but was unable to do any exercise yesterday as I was just zonked with situations and people.

The book wants you to fill in the following:

What were the juicy highlights today?

How did you get on with the juicy exercise?

How long did you do?

How do you feel?

How would you rate your energy overall (marks out of 10)?

Any other juicy comments?

So I have decided I will try and stick to it, at the end of the book they ask you to send in your thoughts and weight loss stats.

Right...............gotta get the jiggy on and make some JUICE!!!

Monday 9 June 2014

DAY 1: 7lbs in 7 Days

7.30am Lemon tea.....my favourite!!!

I already drink lemon tea and just love it.

8.30am JM's Super Juice....here goes!

It looks and smells disgusting but actually tastes really nice. Note to self should have made a double batch as I have to drink it again at 11am but also must make other juices for 2pm whilst i'm at work.

Note to self part two: Remember to peel the lime BEFORE I chop it in half

Spirulina smells disgusting and even though it says to blend with ice, my blender doesn't like ice. So instead I have poured the whole of it over ice cubes instead.


11.30am JM'S Super Juice .....Part two

Tasted the same only I was a it more prepared for this one and still as nice

2.30pm Super Chute Juice

I think I made a boobwith this one by adding tooo much ginger, I'm not actually a lover of it and it can actually make me feel sick (yes I know the opposite of what's it's supposed to do!). I also had no alfahla sprouts but if you go on the Jason Vale website it does suggest using extra spinich. Yeah and I also forgot to add the mixed handful of leafygreens which resulted on me adding yet a 3rd apple just so they would go down the chute.

Taste I have to say was not my favourite and the colour is a dark orangey red.

6pm Turbo Express

This meal is supposed to be taken at 5pm but a stupid ditzy woman at work messed me around so much I was late on finishing and therefore late on drinking. I like this drink alot and prefer it to the previous.

9pm Lemon Ginger Zinger

This drink is supposed to be taken at 8pm but as I'm the only one in the house not eating solids, I had to go and soak in a fruity smelling bath just to drown out the smell of the muscles in a white wine sauce my other half was cooking. I hate musles but last night I could have gladly eaten the lot, not because I was hungry but because the aroma made me feel hungry. Food is very psychological, smelling food makes you feel hungry when actually your not!!

Update: 10.57am

Just made another batch of the JM Super Juice ready for 11.20am and a batch of the Super Chute Juice. The only problem with the latter is that I forgot to add the large handful of mixed greens (STUPID ME!!). So I had to cut up another Gala Apple, which made it 3 in total and not two. This was so that they could stick behind the handful of greens and push them down the chute with the help of the plunger do dar. Hope it tastes ok. Both are now sat in the respected container in my fridge ready and waiting for consumption. Having to get this to fit round my job as a courier is going to be tricky but at least I will eventually get myself into a routine.

Now as I have a sweet hunger pang, going to drink some mint tea. This I have found in the past just curbs that wanting of something sweet. Shall give an update on the juices later as I have work routes to plan and eventaully parcels to recipt and deliver.

Your also supposed to do 30 mins exercise in the morning and at night but my job in it's self is a form of exercise as I just don't stop for 6 hrs and I lift numerous weighted parcels that builds up a sweat. Shall be doing exercise though in the evening for an hour of walking.

Update :07.56am

I was tired yesterday but I put this down to my other haf coming in at 3am in the morning and thus woke me up and also again he woke me at 6am....was not a happy bunny

Day 1 Stats

WEIGHT: 14st 11lbs

Neck: 15 inches

Arm: 13.5 inches

Chest: 41.5 inches

Waist: 38.5 inches

Hips: 44.5 inches

Thigh: 23.5 inches

Calf: 16 inches

BMI: 30.5

BODY FAT: 40.5%


Sunday 8 June 2014

Time to get .....The JIGGY ON!!

Tomorrow is my first day of the 7lbs in 7days minus Alfalha Sprouts, feeling excited, nervous and happy about starting. Having my last few morsels of solid food today which is still very healthy in that for breakfast I had a banana smoothie made with unsweetened Soya milk and one banana.

Lunch consisted of a Jacket potato cooked in the microwave, so not your usual jacket as I cannot eat jacket skin and a rather huge portion of salad and Lovo Chicken (Chicken cooked in a traditional Fijian oven built into the ground and covered with earth)

Pessimistic People

Why do people believe it's ok to slag you off when your doing something good for yourself? Yesterday as there was a little bit of sun left in the day that was Saturday, I had been at work doing my job as a courier for a well known company in the UK and wanted to enjoy the sun for myself rather than whilst at work (I do enjoy my job and it's made easier now its summer but I also love being outside having me time). I decided to go for a power walk on a route that is 5k, which in the end took me only 55 mins but I as heckled at by so many men driving past in cars. I was alone and was 7pm last night and yet if my other half comes with me, they shut up!!! I Suppose your not gonna argue with a 6ft 2 Fijian that is built like a tank though are you and he's a fully trained fighter (He's a Csgt in the British Army).

Anyway, stop going to divert to my other half occupation.....moooooooooooooooooving on!!

Why oh why do these people believe it's ok to know you down??? I was called 'FAT BITCH'....'OMG YOUR AS WIDE AS A TANK'. The thing is i'm not big, I'm a UK dress size 18 and have in the last two years dropped two dress sizes but in the last year have been stuck at a size 18. My previous diet plan was that by Tesco diets, which worked!!! It's just not easy to keep counting though.

Again back to my previous statement...........who the hell do they think they are??? If I wasn't so strong minded I might have just given up. Why do people have to put people in a box and label them??? I'm alive, I live and breath, I eat and drink and I HAVE FEELINGS!!! :(

Tested the Goods

........Soooooooooooo, I have been itching to test out my new Vivo ahead of time. I initially put in a whole apple but as I wish my machine to last a lot longer I quarterised my apple using QVC's version of a Nicer Dicer, I put in two Gala apples along with a splash of Cinnamon as I just love this stuff. OMG it was utter Lush and I for obe will never go back to shop bought juice ever again. There was a froffy film on the top but the jug I have that came with the juicer eliminates that as you pous and so you only get minimal froth. Who cares though as your getting PURE JUICE PEOPLE!!!

A lot of reviews for other machines comment on the pulp being very moist but mine is practically bone dry. I think opting for a juicer with a 990w motor is proof in the pudding as so to speak, however I shall be having no more pudding hahahaha

Preparation Time Finished

It's taken a week for my power super food to come through and there is still an ingredient outstanding!
Alfalfa sprouts!I cannot get these anywhere but then I do live in the backwater known as Shropshire, even my TESCO doesn't stock them, so disappointed grrrrrrrrrrrrr. So shall have to do the whole week without them BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Sunday 1 June 2014

7lbs in 7days - Jason Vale: Preparation time

I love the way he writes the book, it's witty, informative, Funny and tells the bare bones truth as so to speak. You sort of think in the first 9 chapters it's all about him blowing his own trumpet but .........as I have just realised, it's his way of motivation. I mean how can you motivate people in words when you don't have the man himself standing in front of you, though I have to admit at chapter 7 I was like 'Is this man for real???'. The answer it seems is 'YES' and apparently there are millions of people world wide that believe in him.

Now I never read books, well fiction that is as I usually get lost in the introduction. I'm more a pictures and doing type of girl, so this so far has changed me as I'm now at the preparation part of the book. Before I buy the food I need to get the supplements and being that it IS a SUNDAY, this may prove impossible in this backwater known locally as Telford. Shops here shut early which is a pain in the arse when you have locations like Birmingham (UK's 2nd largest city) that usually never close their doors 24/7.

So shopping list to day consits of:

Acidophicus Bacteria Capsules
2 Additional Sigg Flasks for when I'm out and about
I have just ordered on Amazon the super power greens which was cheaper than his main page
Also ordered a 7 day detox wall planner.

He also suggests a rebounder too for exercise (which I also have from getting of Telford Freegle)

Right time to get motivated on my only day off work I have in a week.

Yay, They have ARRIVED!!!!

All three parcels have arrived in drips and drabs but the last was yesterday, the all important books. I have decided to the Jason Vale 7lbs in 7days first just because I'm new to all of this and so far I'm half way through the book. However, I just wish I knew at the start I would need additional items like Spirulina, Wheatgrass Power ( I already have), a bottle of Power Greens and a bottle of Probiotic tabs (which I also have from doing something previously). Jason Vale does offer a Super Juice Pack on his website www.juicemaster.com but I have decided I'm going to head to Holland & Barrett as they have a sale on at the moment for the all important Spirulina and I'm going to top up on my probiotic tabs as I'm running low. He also recommends using Sigg Flasks for keeping your juice in and I happen to also have two of those at home. I think if you buy anything with a brand on the bottle your going to be paying a premuim for the name and at this point that is something I cannot afford. His juice pack is aroung £65 which considering I have just bought two juicers and two books would make this a very expensive hobby.