Monday 28 July 2014

So the post from my mobile didin't work.................

Double drats, and I hoped it would have shown my ventures of making spelt bread and later my honey & peanut butter cookies, which I might add were rather yumtastic. So I now continue to search the web for recipes that contain less wheat, no refined sugar, hardly any fats and basically low cal. The paleo recipes seem to be quite interesting as do the raw recipes but I have cut out red meat (pork, beef and lamb) and so only eat chicken, turkey and tuna. I have yet to acquire the taste of other fish as their scent and taste (the very fishy sort), send me running for a bucket/ loo to promptly remove my stomach's lining.

I do like REAL crab meat and not the fake cod sort and I also like prawns with all external body parts removed but that is it. Though when I have to start my treatment again, such foods will just turn my tummy over like a washing machine. I'm sure it's got something to do with the drugs you have to either jab in the tops of your legs or the tum. I prefer the tops of my legs but then I start to resemble a human pin cushion with various degrees of bruised shading and thus look more like a blotchy patchworked quilt.

To the aforementioned kitchen exploits, I may have to re-add them later once I have uploaded my phones photo's.

One is also looking for a way to update my facebook blog with my this blog instead it seems to want to update ones profile instead. Quite irritating when your not wanting some people to read stuff your not wanting them to see....ho hum!

I tell a lie, the mobile first bread just finally loaded

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