Monday, 28 July 2014

So the post from my mobile didin't work.................

Double drats, and I hoped it would have shown my ventures of making spelt bread and later my honey & peanut butter cookies, which I might add were rather yumtastic. So I now continue to search the web for recipes that contain less wheat, no refined sugar, hardly any fats and basically low cal. The paleo recipes seem to be quite interesting as do the raw recipes but I have cut out red meat (pork, beef and lamb) and so only eat chicken, turkey and tuna. I have yet to acquire the taste of other fish as their scent and taste (the very fishy sort), send me running for a bucket/ loo to promptly remove my stomach's lining.

I do like REAL crab meat and not the fake cod sort and I also like prawns with all external body parts removed but that is it. Though when I have to start my treatment again, such foods will just turn my tummy over like a washing machine. I'm sure it's got something to do with the drugs you have to either jab in the tops of your legs or the tum. I prefer the tops of my legs but then I start to resemble a human pin cushion with various degrees of bruised shading and thus look more like a blotchy patchworked quilt.

To the aforementioned kitchen exploits, I may have to re-add them later once I have uploaded my phones photo's.

One is also looking for a way to update my facebook blog with my this blog instead it seems to want to update ones profile instead. Quite irritating when your not wanting some people to read stuff your not wanting them to see....ho hum!

I tell a lie, the mobile first bread just finally loaded

Monday, 21 July 2014

Thinking I need a change!

So I'm looking at this blog and I'm thinking the background is just a bit too wild for the eyes. Thinking I need a background change to maybe a more solid colour and to just make the banner more vibrant.

Oven Temperature Conversion Chart

This is a rather nifty conversion chart especially as most recipies that don't use whole wheat flour are all American. It seem's us Brits, have not really explored the notion of alternative cooking or at least I have not come across so many.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Different Types of Flour

I found an amazing website that tells you about the different types of flour and it's alternative names or substitues.

I'm not gluten free but have bought some gluten free stuff but here is a handy website for gluten free cooking.

Sadly my post about making spelt bread without yeast has gone astray. I posted it by my mobile, so lets hope it loads soon.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

First Spelt Bread - Yeast Free, Soya & Honey

Didn't rise like it should have done but then I was following an American recipe and realised later that Baking Soda is NOT baking powder but something more like Bicarb of Soda. Lessons learnt but omg it had a yummy almost sweet taste and oh so creamy.
4 Cups Spelt flour (430g)
1 Tsp Baking Soda ( Not baking powder)
1/2 - 1Tsp Salt
2 Cups milk (I used Soya)
2-3 Tbsp Honey (I used 3)
Preheat Oven 350F or 180C
In Lrg bowl whisk flour, salt and backing soda
In sml bowl, blend milk & honey
Combine liquid to dry ingredients untill blended and smooth.
Pour into bread tin
Bake in oven 60 - 70 mins (I did 60) or until golden

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Finished Turbo Charge

So I actually finished the diet last Monday 30th June and have to report that I actually have not lost any weight but stayed at 14st dead. However, though I may not have lost anymore weight I have gained benefits from following this diet. My hair, nails, teeth and skin feel wonderful and I no longer suffer from any digestive issues that I had like constipation and IBS flair ups. I feel a lot lighter and have way more energy than before.

I decided not to report daily due to the fact each day was technically the same, two juices and a meal. The book suggests you stick the the Turbo Charge smoothie on week days and the Turbo Charge Breakfast Smoothie on weekends, though there are other juices and smoothies you can have if you find your getting a bit bored. Also it suggests that your meal ideally be the Power Green Soup or if your having an evening meal that the only carbs you have is wild/basmati rice, with veg/salad and white meats/fish.

The first day I craved food and had both the soup and a chicken homemade curry but I lived to regret that as soon as I had finished. I bloated up something chronic and found I could not eat as much as I had done before starting the 7lbs in 7 days plan. So on days 2-5, I stuck with the Turbo Juice in the morning, the soup for either lunch or dinner and then dinner was another meal or juice depending on how I felt. Days 6 & 7, I did the breakfast smoothie and tended to have two meals a day.

On the following Monday 'DAY 9' I realised I could not continue in this vain and felt I was going wrong somewhere as I put on 2lbs. So the 2nd week, I decided to have a juice/smoothie for Breakfast, a meal for lunch (which was either a sandwhich made on rye or bought Genius Bread or Butthernut Squash Soup or Sweet Potato's with White Cheese like cottage cheese or philly and chive, also added Turkey ham or cooked chicken or tuna), then finally for dinner a smoothie or juice from either the Turbo Charge Diet or 7lbs in 7 days. It's been hot weather here the last few weeks so sometimes just a 7lbs juice has been adequate. I only drank until I was comfortably full and no more. If I had juice left, then I put it in a sigg and placed it in the fridge to either drink later or have the next day.

I found that the Turbo Charge Juice often made more than I could handle in one go, so often had this for dinner too after leaving in the fridge. It does say it's 1 serving but as it's quite thick from blending half an apple and avacado, so I would divide it up anyhow. One thing to note that this juice looses it's taste a little if kept in the fridge over night. The colour darkens and the flavour fades, it's like you loose a bit of the apple flavour.

If in the evening I was feeling still peckish after juice then I would just munch on a big orange as this seemed to curb and sweet hunger pangs and also I made sure I didn't go to bed till 3 hrs after eating, which in the first week I failed to do. In the book it denotes 6pm as a dinner eating time but my work schedule often surpasses that time, so some night's I was having to wait till 11-12 middnight before going to bed and I have to admit that was a killer.

Very very rarely I still crave chocolate, so I bought the 80% cocoa dark chocolate and will have a square only and this seems to have worked. I also have only eaten Rye bread with the exception of 3 days when I bought some Genius Bread that had been reduced in Morrisons and actually very nice. It's made with Tapicoca and Rice flour and has a slight sweet taste. The slices are tiny but my tummy cannot manage a big sandwich anyway without feeling overaly full.

I shall though from now on be making my own Rye and Spelt breads but I have also ordered from Amazon some Coconut flour and organic cocoa powder.