Monday 20 October 2014

Snug as a bug in a rug

Charlie is all covered up on this wet day, however it's not COLD!!!

He loves his creature comforts!

Saturday 11 October 2014


So I did the 2nd batch of the 7lbs diet and I lost about 4lbs but as soon as I had finished and went back to food, I put 2lbs back on.....oops. So now I'm having to take a good look at what I eat. I was following the JV/Paelo diet food wise but have since found the clean eating diet. It runs on the same principals as Paelo but also is more gluten and wheat free.

Since I started this back in May, I'm really happy with my results but just removing sugar, salt, gluten and wheat makes the weekly shop expensive. They all suggest you buy organic everything but to be honest if I did that too it would kill me off cost wise.

Monday 8 September 2014

Back to it...............7lbs in 7 days Detox Part 2!

So yes your advised to do a 7lbs in 7 days detox every 4 months and I can actually see why they suggest this as you start to hit a lull, a plateau and I suppose for me demons in the form of refined sugar start to creep back in. My downfall/ vise is Maltesers but it's not like I eat loads but they are my biggest downfall and the only thing I eat with all the naughty ingredients your not supposed to have.

This week, I'm looking after my parents dogs Charlie and Grace while my parent's are away on holiday in Ireland. It's a sort of a holiday for me too as I have booked the week off work to have a week with the fur babies.

So anyone who saw what I bought what I for a week stay would assume I'm staying longer. I packed up my whole juicy kitchen, one hand blender, one juicer, scales, lots of fresh produce in the form of fruit and veg, my wheatgrass and spirluina powers as well as my power greens. My eco bags for catching the pulp, my scrubbing brush for cleaning the juicer and a few more things including no fat natural yoghurt.

Starting weight: 13st 13lbs

I have been stuck on this since after completing Turbo Charge, some days I loose a lbs or two and other days I come right back but basically this is my starting weight. I wonder if not working this week and only walking dogs will make me loose less than the stagerring 11lbs I lost last time but who knows.

So, because I have learnt lessons from the last time I double up my juices and make two at the same time as I remember making one and then making another one and hour or two later started to become a right bug bare. So now I double up and will have the 2nd juice an hour later. Least this way, I'm only cleaning the juicer 3x a day and not 5 which is way better.

I had a heart stopping moment earlier when I was making my first two juices, the frigging blender stopped for no reason. I was like ARRRGH............NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOT NOW!!!!!! I was worried I would have to abandon the detox but thankfully I figured out that a lime was the culprit and had knocked open one of the side clamps. Thank god for that but also thankful that least I know this juicer cuts out on a safety front should the worst ever happen.

My first two juices for the day are the JM Super Juice for 8 and 9am, then followed by turbo charge for 11 and 2pm and then ginger zinger for 5pm. Also, I have decided to use some of the juices from other Jason Vale books but just reduce them down, so for example if they need 4 apples, then cut it to two etc. This way I have a bit more control on what I eat and to replace those juices that I had issues with on the original detox. I will basically where possible stick to the original diet and only change a few.

Wednesday 3 September 2014


A new recipe I made today with odd bits of fruit lying around. The inspiration came from my other half who is from the beautiful island of Fiji. This drink makes you think of long lush white sands with beautiful clear deep blue seas.

1 Banana
1 mango
1/2 Pineapple
4 Apples


JUICE: Half a mango, pineapple & apples

BLEND: Juice, banana and other half of mango

Thursday 28 August 2014

A Shocking Time

Feeling like a right idiot as I managed to electrocute myself this morning with 240v. I was moisturising my heels aa my heels are rather cracked. I was then putting a sock on followed by a trainer. So, I had done my left foot and had done the right foot bar the trainer. My mobile had beeped to say it was fully charged, so I went to pull the plug out when I caught the prong and shocked myself. Feeling so weak still and short of breath when I so a simple task.

Things to do when bored

Take a new updated selfie of my slimmer self!!!

Saturday 23 August 2014

Guess Where I am???

A clue is in the middle of nowhere, very quite and not a soul in sight. Yeah forgot to say not a loo in sight either. I'm busting while my other half is skipping through the hills lol.

Must say it's very peaceful but cannot really enjoy it with my foot tapping. Was considering going in a bush but a car has just pulled up too...


I was on the edge of sailsbury plain at a tank crossroads.